Album Artwork: Techgnosis Vol. 2


Designing the artwork for Techgnosis Vol. 2, the sequel to Techgnosis Vol. 1, was a lot more work than I expected it would be. The original is actually one of my favourite cover designs so I wanted to extend the concept from still images to motion pictures—still using source material captured in one of Taiwan’s many abandoned buildings. Since I have recently been exploring many derelict movies theaters working with abandoned film was a natural choice. These particular film canisters were found in the historic Fuhe Theater in Yonghe, Taiwan.


I didn’t end up doing very much with the source imagery despite experimenting with several different approaches. In the end I had to deliver—so I settled on keeping it simple (stupid) and opted for a straight-forward treatment that puts the film canisters front and center with the label branding on top. Type is set all in Hero from Fontfabric, same as what was used for the label itself, just to keep things consistent.

This release is now available from Bandcamp!